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Monday, June 27, 2022

AN INTRODUCTION to 300+ Bookmarklets (150+ Nontechnical)


For 300+ Bookmarklets (150+ Nontechnical), please select this link: 300+ BOOKMARKLETS (150+ Nontechnical).

     I have no excuse for more mischief in old age. Incomparable to an expert, I am merely having fun in awe over the ingenious talent behind these bookmarklets of wonder.

      The term “JavaScript URLs” used occasionally is reasonable terminology, hopefully, realigning perspective for a few ᶠⁿ¹. The developer of JavaScript, Brendan Eich, who developed JavaScript at Netscape, “ ‘.... invented the javascript: URL along with JavaScript in 1995, and intended that javascript: URLs could be used as any other kind of URL, including being bookmark-able. ....̓ ”, Bookmarklet — Wikipedia, history section quotation, quoted in part.

ᶠⁿ¹ I must disclose that I lack technical education and experience, essential in virtually everything appearing on this blog. 

     Also, keep the above in mind, even in the way this is worded: I Must Admit That I Believe On Very Rare Occasions, Bookmarklets Can Be Harmful.

     As JavaScript, I believe the bookmarklets will work with many browsers, operating systems, and devices. Understandably, I did not test the bookmarklets completely for compatibility, with multiple browsers, operating systems, and devices. Significantly, they will not work fully or at all for some, contrary to what others or I have described.

     Compatibility information is important. Optimistically, it can be obtained at the source code sites provided. However, too often it is not provided or lacks value, i.e., incomplete or outdated. Though still of value when provided, rather than compounding my errors, please visit the source code sites directly for it. I encourage requests for it when necessary, and importantly, helping others. Only slight mention of compatibility is provided here, but perhaps practical information can be found in my post below, Old-timer Bookmarklet Information, and Suggestions You Might Risk, “When having problems”, part (3).

     Bookmarklet reality should be mentioned to offset disappointment: There should be an ongoing interest even if only 60% of bookmarklets work, a possibility, keeping those that work and moving on to others. The interest is finding one more of a few magnificent tools already found (or sure to be found). A few are hard to live without, but many initially fascinating are rarely in need. A few true gems justify past and future efforts, but naturally, not for everyone.

     Whenever the JavaScript is displayed here, you can try copying it directly on the screen exactly as it is displayed occasionally. However, increasingly this is not working, due in part to recent massive edits to the page. You should usually use a reliable source, and there is no less than one provided, rather than copying directly from the screen. Increasingly, I have been providing a “My Copy of Code” reliable source, 1 immediately below that is instant and reliable when copying the JavaScript (or 2, near-instant and reliable). The reliable source will be one or more of:

1. My Copy of Code.
2. My Site Copy of Source Code JavaScript (select “Raw” and copy the page).
3. The source code site.

     Again, for more information perhaps refer to my post below, Old-timer Bookmarklet Information, and Suggestions You Might Risk. Also, you can always contact me at

     I hope all uncover true gems, returning for more.

          /L.S.,   flawpc/

For 300+ Bookmarklets (150+ Nontechnical), please select this link: 300+ Bookmarklets (150+ Nontechnical), or its link above.

Friday, June 17, 2022

“Old-timer” Bookmarklet Information, and Suggestions “You Might Risk!”

      Remember that I am merely an old man obsessed using bookmarklets who, for whatever reasons, Still Enjoys Mischief, lacking technical education and experience, essential in virtually everything appearing on this blog.

     As indicated at AN INTRODUCTION to 300+ Bookmarklets (150+ Nontechnical), when the JavaScript is displayed here, you can try copying it directly on the screen exactly as it appears, although this is increasingly not working. You should usually use a reliable source provided and there is no less than one for each bookmarklet. They are:

1. My Copy of Code.
2. My Site Copy of Source Code JavaScript (select “Raw” and copy the page).
3. The source code site.

       1 and 2, when provided, will often be the most convenient, especially for many with mobile devices. Contrary to 1 and 2, for 3, the source code site, often you are presented with a bookmarklet in the form of a link to a JavaScript URL to drag and drop (or right-click). I do not feel comfortable blindly doing that, rather than seeing the underlying JavaScript first using the Links as URLs bookmarklet to do so (incidentally, it is the first gem of my career in “mischief”), then copying it. In fact, for many mobile browsers, in making a bookmark of the JavaScript, needing to first see it and then copy it, using the bookmarklet is often required. See its description with some rationale for at least taking a quick look at the JavaScript first (or about using the bookmarklet to do so), e.g., its mere length, ETC. It is the first bookmarklet in the second category. When needed, you can also use any of the first three bookmarklets immediately below the Links as URLs bookmarklet.

      When having problems, as an old-timer far from an expert, you might risk these suggestions:

(1) Alternate running from a JavaScript bookmark, to direct entry of the JavaScript in the browser's URL/address field, or vice versa.

(2) Obtaining a fresh source code copy (or where provided, a “My Copy of Code” or “My Site Copy of Source Code JavaScript”).

(3) Test it in an alternate browser/operating system/device. For the Windows operating system, see a) Subsimple Bookmarklets, b) Bookmarklets for Internet Explorer by Jesse/SquareFree and c) WorldTimZone on the list of websites with bookmarklets, the 14th category near the bottom of the bookmarklets page. There is even some possibility of finding multiple JavaScript for various individual browsers using Windows. Also, for Windows and other operating systems, others on the bookmarklet list, category 14, often provide some compatibility information. Further, hopefully, some information may be obtained at the source code site that is provided for each bookmarklet. I encourage proper requests for it when necessary and willing, importantly, at least helping others.


(4) Converting the source code. One resource is Bookmarkleter by Chris Zarate with GitHub (possibly including HTML URL encoding too). You can also try PasteTool, Bookmarklet Generator from Javascript source codes — PasteTool, Bookmarklet Creator with Script Includer — Peter Coles, Bookmarklet Creator with Script Includer — Peter Coles, etc.

     If the JavaScript works fine, only on limited occasions should you consider (4) above (to make it bookmark-able with Bookmarkleter adding HTML URL encoding only using the first option of two automatically prechecked of five options). I would limit it to those substantially enhancing use/value, but being on guard for strange bookmarklet actions. Although bookmarking a JavaScript URL is an original purpose of JavaScript (Bookmarklet — Wikipedia, history section quotation and note 4, Brendan Eich to Simon Willison), if your browser will not save JavaScript URLs like standard URLs, save them in the bookmark titles. You can later copy/paste them in the browser's URL/address field. If needed, edit them before running, even in the URL/address field exactly as copied as it appeared at the reliable source provided (or displayed here).

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Why Did Only Three People In My Lifetime Get This Simple Math Question Correct?

Image Courtesy of (possibly Getty Images also)

     Three men went to a hotel to share a room for the night, and the clerk stated it was $30. Each handed him $10 and went to their room. Then the clerk realized it was only a $25 room. He had overcharged. He gave the bellboy a $5 bill to return to the men. 

     On the way up the elevator, the bellboy said to himself, how can I divide this $5 bill among the three men? He decided to make it simple and keep a $2 tip, telling them they were overcharged and handing each of the three men a $1 refund.

     Each of the men provided $10 of the initial $30 room cost, less $1 each received as a refund, paying $9. $9 times 3 equals $27, plus $2 the bellboy kept equals $29. What happened to the other dollar (of the $30)?    

Food for Thought:
     Do you believe mathematics is always an exact science, and nine times three is always 27?


My Adolescent Memory of It, Sure Enough, From My Big Brother, The Laugh of a Lifetime

     My big brother (about ten years older) and I were sitting on a picnic table (the usual, on top, and yes, I said big, staying that way forever). I was about 16 then. He never hurt me in the slightest, no teasing or harsh scolding, waking him sleeping or whatever, unusual with the age difference. However, This Seemed Borderline!

     The nerve of him, just up and leaving like that, telling it, but when finished and I asked for the answer, he said, Oh, I Don’t Know! He was instantly off the table, gone, totally out of there, timely! The nerve, leaving me like that, not knowing the answer but audacious enough to provide a big quandary! 

     As I write this and reflect on his personality, later known much better, it is hilarious. He is the king of humor in any group, large groups too, and you will know it, and him, if you do not already, with a loud horse laugh you can hear outside the building, constantly going off! “A person of his stature” (“quite properly!”) had an absolute obligation to tell this story And Forget The Answer!

     Nevertheless, Do Not Do This To Anyone. My big brother is a one-of-a-kind exception! Please, only share it when sure of the answer.


     You decide, but depending on the circumstances, it may not be wrong to inform them there will be no hint or answer until you hear a Close-Enough Response, Sounding Significantly On The Right Path. When unsure, you should err on the side of at least providing some form of a hint. Please be aware, that has been and is my policy. We are human beings, making them struggle, hopefully feeling at least some sense of human obligation, they may discover the answer. However, again, you decide.     

     I only received an impromptu close-enough response (sounding significantly on the right path) approximately three times in my lifetime. However, it has been in-person contact with only about 25 to 40 people. Also, all should consider that they have been trying to come up with an answer without preparation, an unfair emphasis on speed that misses a lot. I do not know how many people later figured it out.     

     Truthfully, I do not think it is necessarily an indicator of intellect. Possibly associated, it may primarily be evidence of the drive to determine this answer (possibly gradually enhancing it through drive).

     There has not been comprehensive research on the riddle’s source and whether it is copyright or other legally protected material.


A Notable Response, With Cautionary Considerations Applicable To Many Other Situations Readers May Encounter:

     It was a full-time university accounting professor and a part-time lecturer (authoring CPA continuing education material). His response on the correct path to the answer was so near-instant that he likely heard it before (no need to press him fully explaining it). It Was A Privilege To Have Known Him, a down-to-earth person with no need to prove anything, but not revealing he heard it did not necessarily mean he was not “tested” with it before (possibly by more than one student too). It is a peculiarity accounted for by the fact that 1) students constantly Try to “test” him But 2) He Does TheTesting!” It is safe to assume that “testing” Any full-time university professor hits a sore spot! I Should Have Known Better! He probably resented “tests” with a passion, even though I was a practicing CPA/attorney. Again, the response was so near-instant that he had more likely than not heard it before. 

     The cautionary considerations above apply to many other situations readers may encounter. Please, use appropriate discretion. Some people will be offended, whether you realize it, e.g., those making a living from their reputation and intellect, so apply advance discretion.


     It is hard for anyone to have an impromptu close-enough response. Expect many people to struggle to express their thoughts, stutter, whatever. Therefore, please, remember to Promptly be fair to anyone when you think you May have heard a response significantly on the right path. You will find a surprising link to the answer below.

Sincerely, /L.S., Frank Lawrence, Sr./

NOTE: Please, remember to Promptly be fair to anyone when you think you May have heard a response significantly on the right path.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Best Free Online Grammar Checkers: Only Two Or More Checks Are Accurate, But Most Are Programmed The Same - A List Of The Best That Are Not


* You may already know, little if anything on the Internet is free. Therefore, assume ad tracking with all links and URLs below. However, I RESPECT PRIVACY, do not gain from or engage or willfully assist in tracking, or anything of that nature (Note: presume Google tracking).


1) There is a list of the best free online style, grammar, spelling, and punctuation checkers, carefully selected to avoid the “boilerplate code” problem common with all too many online.

2) Also, there is a sub-group list having similar “boilerplate code” with each other and advice to minimize the effect.   

3) URLs are provided to others possibly worth trying.

“Assume your document is always subject to improvement, ....”

☝ Running a check with one in the first section below may be adequate. However, safely assume two or more are required, even more: Please accept that documents of importance (e.g., a resumé) require three to five checks or more. Again, variety is essential

     I am an old-timer lacking technical computer knowledge. Mindful of it, despite the first five of eight in the first section below having some programming similarities, they each have significant independence uncommon from each other and each of the remaining three. Perhaps improperly coined but understood, there is no “boilerplate code” problem common with all too many online checkers

     It may be best not to use more than one from the last three of eight in the first section below. Each has coding independently of each of the first five, but they may be too similar to each other. Again, I cannot be sure of this paragraph or the one above.     

     Only begin the checking after including all essential and persuasive ideas, whether imperfectly worded or these online checkers cannot achieve your most optimum writing. Until you do, the first 20 checks will not get it right. Only then should the checking begin. Assume your document is always subject to improvement, with its own rule, a very hard-to-follow caveat, the yellow bottom-line rule (of this part)Because most people do not even come close to reaching the exception, not exerting themselves enough, the assumption should be a presumption for life, even safe for Everyone. To this day, I am uncertain if the yellow bottom-line rule is even correct (but remember to keep copies of your old work)! For an important writing subject to modification, it probably is wrong, yet it has a diminished return value notable for everyone.  

     With effort, you also learn from these checkers, both contributing to improved writing ability. Hard work shows, and improvement naturally occurs. Importantly, however, enhance it more and faster by delving into the dictionaries, and even much more Deeply and faster by also delving into the rules underlying suggestions.

     Technology today is astonishing. Some perhaps even learning a writing idiosyncrasy, the tendency of a particular error.       

     Improvement is your goal, not the status quo. You were only pacified and should have felt unsatisfied. You may not realize it immediately, taking time through hindsight. Making the best of what is out there, you now made it better, with past ways tossed, near-forgotten. From now on, only the best sources will suffice, knowing how to work’em, yes, Their idiosyncrasy too. Quite nice of you to assume they are kind people you used in the past, so a bit behind, whatever, they’re still back there. Moving on, looking back, time and time again, oh, there’s no such thing as halfa_s satisfied!      

     I must somehow learn to adhere to this near-impossible rule: 

There Comes A Time When You Are Not To Touch It Anymore       


     Incidentally, apps, extensions, or add-ons may not be as helpful as a usable online version they may offer. You should almost always want the best at all times. One’s experience will prove that none, and I mean none, are good enough. Keep it in mind at all times. 


     Please, Beware, You Can Have The Most Horrifying Issue Imaginable, Even Beyond Imagination, glaringly inconsistent with everything surrounding it, dead-center for the world to see for a while, quite obvious, yes, almost as if they intended it, multiple checks yet (with the same service)! Oh, How You Most Definitely Need Variety (and do not wait long, also, I mean Horrifying!)!

     It all comes down to getting it right the best you can yourself first and within you in modifications and successive proofreading. You Cannot Rely Upon These Services To Catch The Errors You Make (though they help). Never have anything close to total reliance on them, being both wise and prudent with little. First, safely rely upon yourself, the good sense God gave you, And, Hopefully, knowing educational efforts have great rewards, proven fact, so even beyond the dictionaries, use proven wisdom in life, directly embracing the rules of writing itself. Deviation enhances potential Horrification, slowing writing mastery.   


Best Free Online Style, Grammar, Spelling, & Punctuation Checkers (below are URLs to others possibly worth trying)

1. Grammarly: Free Writing Assistant. Or the URL: They are GREAT ᶠⁿ¹, so good it feels strange. It is hard to believe only a computer is thinking as if a human mind is in the background. Note: They are always best to use for one check (except only as noted below, a possible GrammarLookup exception). Also, they are always best to use first for two or more. 

ᶠⁿ¹ They naturally are subject to error or oversight.     

2. ProWritingAid. Or the URL: They have an extremely short 500-word limit (though uncertain when applied), contrary to others listed. Also, they may suggest changes that seem fine and in style as is. Perhaps check with Grammarly before making some changes. However, there may be enough value of merit, especially when a critical document such as a resumé is involved. In that case, it may be best to make the changes, but afterward, confirm there is no problem with it with Grammarly. Note: Despite everything stated, without question, they still are great. Afternote: They seem to be getting better with time, Possibly better than Grammarly now!  

3. GrammarLookup, Punctuation Checker – Free Online Grammar Checker. Or the URL: for a quick single source, this may be one to consider. However, it only applies if you do not want to spend a little time with Grammarly online that discloses the paid corrections (with a yellow underscore), allowing them to be worked on until corrected. In that case, GrammarLookup may provide more corrections (although perhaps informal or somewhat less than perfect in style). Otherwise, Grammarly is always best to use for one check (and again, they should be the first of two or more).

4. LanguageTool - Online Grammar, Style & Spell Checker. Or the URL: Unfortunately, they seem to have an unknown word limit, contrary to Grammarly above. Note: Importantly, also contrary, Grammarly online discloses the paid corrections (with a yellow underscore), allowing them to be worked on until corrected.

5. Scribens, Free, Powerful English Grammar Checker. Or the URL:, they may prove more helpful than any listed here. However, the feature allowing it may not open for some browsers or devices, STYLE, displayed in the left column. The affected browsers or devices are unknown. It has options for invaluable advice, merely vocabulary enhancements for many people.

     Although independent coding appears to be a part of these last three, they may be too similar to each other:      

8. Coderduck, Grammar Checker, Grammar Check Spell Check. Or the URL: Although not always correct, they may be first or second for punctuation.


URLs to Others Possibly Worth Trying

Sincerely, /L.S., Frank Lawrence, Sr./

Integrated LanguageTool Style, Grammar, Spelling, & Punctuation Checker ~ Courtesy of ~ Accepts Up to 20000 Characters.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Rampant​​ ​​Abuse​​ ​​in​​ ​​the​​ ​​Technical​​ ​​Fields​​ ​​Involving​​ ​​the​​ ​​Web​​ ​​& Computers​​ ​​​(fast​ ​and​ ​easy​ ​too)

Rampant​​ ​​Abuse​​ ​​in​​ ​​the​​ ​​Technical​​ ​​Fields​​ ​​Involving​​ ​​the​​ ​​Web​​ ​​& Computers​​ ​​​(fast​ ​and​ ​easy​ ​too)

1. Bound by Highest Privacy Protection

     Although​ ​substantially​ ​retired​ ​and​ ​inactive ​as​ ​a​ ​licensed​ ​attorney (including inactive CPA status),​ ​I​ ​am​ ​bound​ ​by legal​ ​and​ ​ethical​ ​rules​ ​requiring​ ​the​ highest​ ​level​ ​of​ ​privacy protection.​ ​I​ must and will legally​ ​enjoin​ ​any​ ​computer​ ​“games”​ ​to​ ​the​ ​contrary.​ ​These​ ​matters​ ​will​ ​not​ ​be​ ​left​ ​open to​ ​dispute,​ ​including​ unchecked​ ​joker-genius​ ​encroachment.​ ​A​ ​protector​ ​of​ ​my security​ ​interests​ ​cannot​ ​cast​ ​any​ ​doubt​ of trust​ ​in ​their​ ​role. However,​ ​my​ ​concerns​ ​have been​ ​proper,​ ​because​ ​outrageous​ ​events​ ​have​ ​occurred​​ ​in​​ ​​a​​ ​​part​​ ​​of​​ ​​my​​ ​​life.
  ​ ​

2. Realistic Shareholder Loss; Possible Action

     Invasive Internet​​ ​​advertising​​ ​​and​​ ​​marketing tactics​ ​are​​ ​​troubling​ ​to​ ​the​ ​public but can become so internally ​by​ ​very​ ​large, well-known​ ​companies​ ​guilty​ ​of​ ​tactics​ ​lacking​ ​tactics. Being too​ ​consistently​ ​obvious​ ​in their​ ​invasive​ ​motives may be worth a shareholders' meeting (largely dependent upon the state of incorporation or organizational documents).​

     Realistically, it​​ ​​results​​ ​​in​​ ​​a​​ ​​major​​ ​​loss​​ ​​to shareholders by​​ ​​diminishing​​ ​​the company's​ ​goodwill,​ ​often one of​ ​​its largest assets and by far the most valued by shareholder investors. Despite​ ​not being​ ​recorded​ ​on​ ​financial​ ​statements, this is an economic fact Wall Street knows well. It becomes​ ​an​ ​insult​ ​to​ ​our​ ​intellectual​ ​capacity, adding​ ​insult​ ​to injury. Other shareholder action may be available, especially with a somewhat easy ability to show a claim of merit with standing interest.

3. Denial of Basic Privacy; A Rampant Overlook of Serious Protective Law; Pervasive Disregard and Acceptance of Moral and Spiritual Concern

     Do​ ​not​ ​allow​ ​this​ ​mentality​ ​to​ ​maneuver​ ​you around​ ​(or​ ​at​​ ​​least​​ ​​do​​ ​​not​​ ​​continue),​ ​or fall​ ​for​ their​ ​part​ ​truth​ ​​statements​ ​of​ ​ads​ ​by​ ​financial​​ ​​necessity​​ ​​or​​ ​​slanted​​ ​​numbers​ ​on their​ ​desirability.​ ​​I​ ​have​ ​a protective​ ​concern​ ​for​ ​those not​ ​already​​ ​​aware​​ ​​of their ​clever​ ​promotion​ ​of​​ ​​a sense​​ ​​of​​ ​​sharing,​ ​openness,​ ​transparency,​​ and​​ ​​the​​ ​​spirit​​ ​​of​ community​ ​disclosure.​​​ ​​​Prevailing​​ ​goodness​​ ​​does​​ ​​transpire,​​ ​​and​​ ​​so​​ ​​can​​ ​​one's​​ ​​damage when​ ​there​ ​are indications​ ​of,​ ​and​ ​cooperation​ ​with​ ​disclosure​​ ​​as​ ​a​ ​matter​ ​of​ ​default​​ ​(if not​ ​an​ ​actual​​ ​​setting​​ ​​and,​​ ​​somehow,​ ​reset​​ ​​to​​ ​​their​​ ​​benefit​​ ​​over​​ ​​and​​ ​​over​​ ​​again​​ ​​for​​ ​​you). Likely,​ ​there​ ​is​ ​some​ price​ ​to​ ​pay​ ​by​ ​​continuing​ ​with​ awareness,​ ​but​ ​more​ ​cautiously. However,​ ​too​ ​often,​ ​the​​ ​​same​​ ​​manipulators​​ ​​open​​ ​​some​​ ​​dear​​ ​​matters,​ ​e.g.,​​ ​​contacts​​ ​​or​ notes,​ ​dear​ ​to​ ​all,​ ​but​ ​very​ ​serious​ ​for​​ ​​me.​

     By​ ​second-highest​​ ​​court​​ ​​in​​ ​​the​​ ​​nation​ ​directive,​​ ​​in​​ ​​some​​ ​​cases, competent​​ ​​judicial​ ​deference​​ ​​making​​ ​​it rare, an​​ ​​attorney​​ ​​is to VIOLATE A COURT ORDER​​ ​​voiding​​ ​​disclosure, yes, > Go >> To >>> JAIL,​​ ​​then​​ ​​be​​ ​​released​ ​pending​​​ ​​​their​​ ​​review.​​​ ​​​

     Let me assure you, there is a rampant major problem with Web/computer companies proudly admitting they comply with court orders for disclosures with no sign of awareness or acknowledgment of the law governing principal-agent, generally requiring notice first before disclosures (allowing legal challenges to the orders before all is lost once “the cat's out of the bag”). With the massive number of attorneys using various devices, including phones, and Android too, Hopefully, This Will Be Taken Seriously And Reviewed.

     Incidentally, it is imprudent to rely upon common contract law provisions, especially when dealing with attorneys and involving this matter. ᶠⁿ¹

ᶠⁿ¹ Attorneys do not disclose matters to their spouses but get real, more discretion is needed with other attorneys at lunch (no phony excuses now!).

     However, their​​​ ​​​tactics​​ ​​are​​ ​​outrageous​​​ ​​​for​​​ ​​​all,​​ denying​​​ ​​​basic​​​ ​​​online​​​ ​​​individual​ ​dignity​​ ​​in​​ ​​privacy,​​ ​​and​​ ​​they​​ ​​must​​ ​​understand​​ ​​this.​ ​A​​ ​​billionth​​ ​​of​​ ​​a​​ ​​penny​​ ​​profit​​ ​​per​ ​strike,​​ ​​sure​​ ​​troubling​​ ​​massive​​ invasion​​ ​​by​​ ​greed​​ ​​to​​ ​​so​​ ​​many, should​​ ​​lead​ ​to​​ ​​an​​ ​​awakened conscience.​​ ​​It​​ ​​is​​ ​​​​beyond​ ​me ​​so,​​ ​​I​​ ​​pray at least ​​some​​​ ​​​will​​ acknowledge​​ ​​the​​​ ​​​truth, accepting a radical reorientation of life and actions accordingly.

          (a) Realistically, Morally Based, Web “Change in the Time's” Mindset Pervasively Disregards Morals and Spirituality, Virtually All Underestimate 

“basically, lying in wait”

     This relatively new technological phenomenon, the age of the “great” Web/computer, cannot uproot what has been set from the beginning, and forever, moral principles within spiritual foundations.

               (i) Benefiting With Inherent Disregard for Others

     I mentioned above praying for those of concern, addressing them here to consider what they already perceive to no less than some minimal extent. Not believing in God does not rule out having morals. Using your heart, at least see moral validity, whether the details are correct:

     Gaining information, all too often highly personal information, at least to the person it involves, other than reasonably and realistically with their actual awareness and well-informed consent (despite pervasive fast and easy contract law reliance nonsense), then benefiting from it, carries an inherent disregard for others. This forms a part of one's entire lifestyle. Virtually all have subtle awareness that some are being wronged. I refer to it as “change in the time's blindness”, flawed business/work ethics for many.

     It defies the foundation upon which at least all of Christian Sacred Scripture is based, all-important love, love for God and neighbor, as clarified, even including enemies. Do not rule out what may be a safe truth perhaps, a lifestyle with a sense of stealing. This seemingly benign, subtle near-blindness as it is, should have a sense of at least some consequence by God.

     Only some actions, tactics, and resources, have been outrageous privacy exploitation, much of it significantly hidden, basically, lying in wait, and contract law abuse, supported by, or besides seizing business, economic and technological leverage or advantage (on the public, even some on others in the field).

     Virtually everyone, the public included, has been clouded by this change in the times and flawed business/work ethics excuses falling short. What has this world come to, with the public substantially in a docile submission yet?!

4. Contract Law Abuse is Most Rampant; Count Again
​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​The wrongful​ ​motive​ ​of​ ​retained​ ​security dependency​ ​has​ ​been​ ​obvious​ ​in​ ​the​ ​past​ ​by the​ ​programming​ ​practice​ ​of​ ​my​ ​PC​ software​ ​company.​ ​However,​ ​the programming even​ ​went​ ​so​ ​far​ ​as​ ​to​ ​make​ ​matters​ ​worse​ ​the​ ​longer​ ​I​ ​did​ ​not​ ​comply​ with​​ ​​its​​ ​​false​ ​warnings or​​ ​​warnings​​ ​​that​​ ​​could​​ ​​not​​ ​​be​​ ​​followed​​ ​​due​​ ​​to​​ ​​impossibility.​​ ​​Unbelievably,​​ ​​I was​ ​eventually​ ​stripped​ ​of​ ​administrator​ ​status without​ ​the ability​ ​to​ ​even​ ​set​ ​up​ ​a​ ​new Internet​ ​connection​ ​on​ ​a​ ​computer​ ​that​ ​I​ ​rightfully​ ​owned. ​You​ ​can​ ​believe,​ ​as​ ​they​ ​do, that​ and​ ​all​ ​other​ ​types​ ​of​ ​damage​ ​and​ ​wrong​ ​on​ ​their​ ​part​ are covered​ ​in​ ​their contract.​ ​Clear​ ​contract​ ​law​ ​abuse​ ​is​ ​rampant​ ​in​ ​the​ ​technical​ ​fields​ ​involving the Web and computers,​ ​including​ ​fast​ ​and​ ​easy​ ​too.​ ​So​ ​expect​ ​some​ ​mention​ ​on​ ​it​ ​to​ ​follow​ ​this,​ ​with a warning​ ​for​ ​the​ ​comfort​ ​zone​ ​some​ ​believe​ ​they​ can​​ ​​continue enjoying​​ ​​with​ ​their​​ ​​army​​ ​​of​​ ​​attorneys​​ ​​(and​​ ​​best​​ ​​count​​ ​​again,​​ ​​they​​ ​​may​​ ​​amount​​ ​​to​​ ​​less​​ ​than​​ ​​one).

5. A True Profession; Lacking Broad Governmental Ethical​ ​Regulation

     Aspirationally, there should be federal governmental​ ​professional​ ​ethical​ ​regulation, but at least broad state governmental​ ​professional​ ​ethical​ ​regulation should be in place, which is not the case. How long are such highly skilled individuals in Computer Science, Software Engineering, and related fields going to be allowed to cast technical explanations disguising self-serving motives near-impossible for others to detect, yet legally challenge?

     Protection of the public requires their concern over ethical enforcement powers of a competent investigating and decision-making body of similar experts. More general federal congressional laws in ​the​ field will not​ ​achieve much because they are not imposing that required concern. Consider the members of regulated true professions that carry this necessary burden of concern. Their​ ​members​ ​can​ ​be​ ​ordered,​ ​but​ ​in​ ​effect​ ​told​ they are​ ​out​ ​of​ ​“business”,​​ ​​so​​ ​​to​​ ​​speak,​​ ​​permanently​​ ​​or​​ ​​temporarily​​ ​​here​​ ​​and​​ ​​now. ​​It​​ ​​is​​ ​​a deep concern always in the back of their minds, ever-present daily, and ​considered with every ​word and with every action, seriously. Their regulation would make a world of difference.

     Considering intellectual challenge, ​it is​ ​a​ true ​profession​ (and​ ​some), regardless of any criteria​ ​defining​ ​a​ ​profession, with covered technical levels even broadly defined. These “hacker” geniuses need a new perspective, anyway. They may even aspire to a different vocabulary!

6. We the people of the United States....; Although Major Correction Await, Some Action is Beginning

     Web/computer company prosperity has been extreme, resulting in gigantic entities. I​ ​will never​ ​get​ ​over​ a sense​ ​of near-immunity​ ​from wrong in reaching their size and flabbergasted how they pulled this off, pockets still full as contract law and other abusive tactics to the public continue to this day. Nationally, it erodes the spirit and sense of democracy, but it is outright patent, lackadaisical and demeaning in this field. Without permission, some even change contract law/privacy set options on their own initiative to their self-serving benefit, patently yet. Business or not, correction is gradually expected to an erosion in the spirit and sense of democracy, but outrageous tactics perhaps even wrong in China or Russia upon our citizens, not corrected by now seems ironic, to say the least.

     Many of “the people of the United States”, common citizens, would agree that abuse is significant. Those reaping benefit the most have been offending the public the most (perhaps even national prosperity in business competition others in the field have experienced).

     In the United States, where prompt corrective action within this profession should be taken, it is usually expected by government regulators and, to some degree, the civil process of the courts. As a relatively new technology over the past few decades, naturally, government regulators and others have been behind. Major correction to the state of affairs is inevitable.

     Although adequate regulation will take some time, at least some heads are rolling. The pressure is on with recent requests for Federal Trade Commission (FTC) help by most state attorney generals across the nation, about 80%, because of its broader overall capacity, including federal jurisdiction. This highlights state submission to, and dependence upon federal regulation, likely expanding federal oversight and caseload capacity, including the FTC. As more experienced attorneys gradually become part of the whippersnapper genius group, so to speak, with less uncertainty drafting court documents and more confidence in technological evidence, expect more regulation through individual actions, government regulators too. There is reason to foresee the possibility of a new department of the federal government in the distant future devoted to Web/computer profession regulation.

          (a) Big Brother and the California Consumer Privacy Act

     Thanks to some of our big brothers, a fine example, proudly, our mighty brother the State of California, they are currently providing the federal government with a base to prompt them up into action, hopefully only, sometime soon. It is the California Consumer Privacy Act that became effective on January 1, 2020. See links to it, including other helpful information with it, below, at “8. Helpful Information and Links for Some Matters”. The Fed will have to significantly enhance it, especially joining within it adequate resolutions for our current major privacy-policy-disclosure, etc., contract law abuse problemsThis necessarily includes straightforward pathways, overriding any claimed contract law-based defense or otherwise, allowing an individual legal and equitable cause of actions for consumers (class actions too), and for them only, if they prevail, an award of their reasonable actual attorney fees, with a set minimum. To be realistic, there should be other consumer remedies or relief, regardless of forum, if any, even sanction and penalty forms of relief and whether special damages in nature, perhaps even treble damages in nature too (jail?). All of this, realizing it is a lot, until their true professional recognition and federal licensure arrive, without the ability to “clean their clocks”, we will Never clean this up once and for all.

7. Facing Law​ ​or Equity; The True Recount

     Numbers​ ​do​ ​not​ ​count​ ​as much​ ​with​ ​law. Law​ ​or equity​ ​provides for​ ​their​ ​needs​ ​with​ ​one​ ​competent​ ​attorney's​ ​ability​ ​to​ ​take​ ​down a​ ​giant, and​ an ​army​ ​of​ ​attorneys, truly. I realize many readers cannot understand this. Also, state​ ​and​ ​federal​ ​government ​attorneys are actively​ ​assigned​ ​to​ ​this​ ​area. Fast​ ​and​ ​easy,​ ​no,​ ​generally,​ ​subject​ ​to​ ​many​ ​variables, you​ ​cannot rely​ ​on contract​ ​law​ ​to​ ​protect​ ​those​ ​mentalities​ ​and​ ​their​ ​entity​ ​behind​ ​its false,​ ​fraudulent,​ ​misleading,​ ​or​ ​deceptive​ ​practices.​ At​ ​times, ​they​ all​​ ​​join​​ in​​ ​​Consumer​​ ​​Protection​​ ​​or​​ ​​Deceptive Trade​​ ​​Practices​​ ​​actions, even cooperation/enforcement in Computer​​ ​​Fraud​​ ​​and​​ ​​Abuse criminal actions/ensuing private right of actions.

ALSO, SEE 8. BELOW, Helpful Information and Links for Some Matters Above


NOTE any of the following when relevant:


1) State deceptive trade practices laws and state consumer protection laws often override contract laws. See their state chart link below.


2) With the advice of an attorney, consider a reasonable request for equitable relief in your complaint, possibly providing other benefits, merely one example, injunctive relief elevating jurisdiction to circuit court from a district court in some states.


3) With the advice of an attorney, give at least some brief consideration to any reasonable basis for federal court jurisdiction and litigation.


8. Helpful Information and Links for Some Matters Above

   (a) Assistance or Guidance

     1. Many offices of the State Attorney General will provide valuable assistance or guidance to laymen or guidance to attorneys, and retained counsel too.

      2. FTC, Bureau of Consumer Protection | Federal Trade Commission. File a complaint assisting in their own possible investigation and legal action. However, there is the possibility of obtaining valuable information, guidance to state legal assistance, and guidance, possibly even assisting or joining retained counsel, Bureau of Consumer Protection | Federal Trade Commission

   (b) Information Resources & Research

      1., information with a chart of individual state Deceptive Trade Practices laws (or state Consumer Protection laws), especially relevant to some issues discussed above, Deceptive Trade Practices laws - Information on the law about Deceptive Trade Practices - Attorney, Damages, Fees, and Consumer - JRank Articles.

      2. Legal research/resources links, U.S. Department of Justice, all states, state & federal law, courts, & general legal resources links, State & Federal Court Resources | JMD | Department of Justice;

      3. Very good legal research resources, LII / Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School, LII / Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School.

     4. The California Consumer Privacy Act, and information on some federal privacy laws (within California state privacy laws information), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Home PageWikipedia - California Consumer Privacy Act; Some Federal Privacy Laws Information within State of California Privacy Laws Information.


     /L.S./ flawpc 

NOTICE and DISCLAIMER: This article discusses general legal issues of interest and is not designed to give any specific legal advice on any specific circumstances. Professional legal advice must be obtained before acting upon any of the information contained in this article.

NOTE: I respect privacy, do not engage or willfully assist in tracking, or anything of that nature, concerned in matters such as this, hoping others would feel the same.